INVESTMENT REQUIRED: cad $500,000 AS ON SEP, 2021 we successfully raised $ 100,000 for this venture in november 2021.
Canadian Tech Co. founded by a Construction sector expert and a Tech expert with 25 years C-Suite executive experience, is offering data-driven business intelligence solutions to Small-Med size construction sector companies and providing a platform for construction industry members to make connections, is currently looking for $ 500,000 for product development, sales & marketing and operations in order to achieve MRR of $ 90K in 12 months period by capturing 15% market in BC, Canada!
Key features:-
This technology is assisting: –
Small-Medium construction trades and material suppliers in: –
Gaining new projects through data driven interactive visual solutions.
Showcasing their company resume by displaying their previous projects and builder connections.
Business Growth Management: Finding, reviewing and connecting with better quality prospects.
Builders, Developers and Homeowners, by: –
Project Management: improved trade selection, scheduling and tackling issues of service delays.
Reviewing and selecting trades in a much more in-depth way by viewing their previous projects and builder network.
Bringing Transparency on track record/professional services either by a trades company, material supplier or a project owner. This company is trying to make the construction business more efficient, by bringing accountability, allowing users-based ratings while sharing unique way of presenting and tracking construction data.
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